Development of Communication Technologies and Networks for Smart Grid


  • Nagaraj V
  • Sumithira T R
  • Prabu S



Smart grid Communication Networks, HAN, WAN, NAN, FAN, PLC, WIFI, WIMAX, Dash 7, 3G/4G, LTE-A, ZigBee.


The present electrical grid is perchance the most engineering achievement of the 20th century. However, it is ever more outdated and overburdened, leading to costly blackouts and burnouts. For this and various other reasons, conversion hard work are ongoing to make the current electrical grid smarter. A consistent, universal and secure communication infrastructure is binding for the accomplishment and deployment of the future smart grid. Technologies are emerging in addition to the previously applied to help upgrade the current power grid. In this paper we will give an general idea of smart grid reference model, and a complete survey of the available networks for the smart grid and a serious review of the progress of wired and wireless communication technologies for grid infrastructure. Communication architecture for Home Area Networks (HANs), Neighborhood Area Networks (NANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) for smart grid applications. We think that this work will provide valued insights for the novices who would like to follow linked research in the SG domain.


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Author Biographies

Nagaraj V

Assistant Professor/ECE Mahendra Institute of Technology, Tamil nadu.

Sumithira T R

Professor K.S.R College of Engineering, Tamil nadu.

Prabu S

Professor/ECE Mahendra Institute of Technology, Tamil nadu.


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