Review of Software Architectural styles for Artificial Intelligence systems





Artificial Intelligence, information processing, complexity, software architecture, Layered systems


Artificial Intelligence is the ability to process information properly in a complex environment. The criteria of properness are not predefined and hence not available beforehand. They are acquired as a result of information processing. The last decade, however, has seen an unprecedented interest in this area, both within the research community and among software practitioners in the industry. In this research, a new methodology is proposed to manage and structure the complexity of these systems, viz. architecting the system in a proper way. An article presents the various software architectural styles and its applications. The major contribution of paper is how to manage the increased complexity of software intensive Artificial Intelligence systems. In particular, concerned with the management of complexity of system whose structure exhibits some form of flexibility due to either changes or failures.


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1Computer Center, MIT Campus Anna University Chromepet Chennai-600044, Tamilnadu India


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