
  • Lasya Reddy V



Cloud computing, Data sharing, Revocation, Identity-based encryption, Cipher text update, Decryption key exposure.


Cloud provides a flexible and convenient way for data sharing, and brings various benefits for both the individual and Organization. A user can directly outsource the shared data to the cloud server, since the data is not highly secured. Here we need to place some crypto graphical enhanced to access the shared data. we are using crypto graphical method called identity based encryption system for sharing the data but it is not static .That is when the user’s authorization is expired there should be a mechanism that can remove a person to over the problem .To this end, a notion called revocable-storage identity-based encryption (RS-IBE) is proposed. It can provide the forward/backward security of cipher text by introducing the functionalities of user revocation and cipher text update simultaneously. The revoked user cannot access both old and new shared data. In proposed system have advantages like functionality and cost effective.


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Author Biography

Lasya Reddy V

Department of Computer Science Engineering, SRM University, Ramapuram, Chennai – 89.


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