Applications of Intelligent Sensor Networks and Wireless communication to the instrumentation of Civil Engineering Structures
Wireless technologies have always been of interest to physicists and this field has been active since its inception. Nevertheless, stimulated by the telecommunications and telecommunications sector in general, this domain is experiencing a renewed interest and a strong development over the last ten years. Wireless (or wireless) technologies are part of a global trend towards communication, mobility, the search for flexibility in implementation, etc. They are used in many fields of application, for the Mostly known as the internet, telephony, the medical world, industry, computers and even recently aeronautics, or less expected like civil engineering and road safety. As part of its research and development work in instrumentation, it is quite natural that for several years the LCPC Metrology and Instrumentation Division has integrated these technologies and has developed, at its level, the instrumentation of wireless technology applied to engineering civil
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