
  • Aslam K A



Arduino UNO, Web Cam, Optical character recognition, Text to Speech Engine, Audio amplifier.


God gives best gift to human being. In which important aspect in our life is vision. But there are some people who lag this ability of visualizing these things. Global estimate of the number of visually impaired people according to World Health Organization survey made in year 2015 is 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide. Blind people use mainly Braille system for reading book. But all the books available in the market are not in this system and books will be more costly when comes in this system. In this project we are going to design a new system consisting of a camera attached to the microcontroller. This camera has to be placed over the book and it will read the pages and information's will be given by the loud speaker.


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Author Biography

Aslam K A

Dept of Electronics and Instrumentation, Bharath university, Chennai


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