International Journal of MC Square Scientific Research

International Journal of MC Square Scientific Research (ISSN:0975-0932) is  a quarterly peer reviewed International Journal in English which is indexed by Google Scholar,, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS),, The Electronic Journals Library, SlideShare, JournalSeek, The Directory of Research Journal Indexing, J-Gate, Scribd, InfoBASE Index, Advance Science, Ulrich Web Indexing, Academic Resource Indexing, The Directory of Research Journal Indexing and The Internet Archive etc. The objective of journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the recent outstanding developments in the field of science, Engineering and Management. Its scope encompasses the applications of Science, Engineering & Technology, and Management with recent trends. 

particularly focused on following aspects: Research objective and problem statement impact; Material and methods clarities; Suitability and adequacy of: Related work, Result discussion, and comparative analysis of issues; and presentation (overall article structure and English readability). These above-mentioned criteria should be fulfilled for article acceptance and publications.

Authors need to be submitted carefully well presented, plagiarism (20% by turntin) free, formatted, and polished article to avoid delay in review process of articles. Article should be author original work, which should not part of previous research, or project work nor communicated with any journal. If, article already published in conference/symposiums/proceeding by same author and now, author want to publish his/her extended work then he/she can proceed with certain authorship authorization proof. Author should make sure that paper is formatted according to journal template. Kindly download the Journal template (MS Word)  from journal website, which ensure author for fast article processing. If, any article failed to fulfill above submission criteria based on author guideline then not forward article shoud for further screening and review process.

Why to publish article in IJMSR (Authors benefits)?

  • Open access: All IJMSR published article is open access all research articles published in this journal is open access and frequently accessible online to the entire global research community. IJMSR open access policy assures high visibility for author work with online access, where, anybody view/download the article.
  • High citation: IJMSR has large volume of citation, so you can easily increase your H-index. Please click here to see citation counts of IJMSR.
  • Fast publication: Online article submission, online blind peer review, and production make sure the fast publication process in robust and effective way.
  • Quality, reputation, and standard peer review: IJMSR has a high standard of peer review. Each editor and reviewer conducts the article evaluation objectively and fairly.
  • All major bibliographic coverage: All IJMSR published article is included for major in indexing with multiple bibliographic databases. Hence, anybody can access your easily from anywhere and its increase chance to get more citation of your articles.

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